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75 A AMP - 3 PHASE Bridge Rectifier AC to DC for WIND

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1) FW160 160A 150V Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Schottky Diodes Hoffman Nema 3R


Available in increments of 1
Total Percent Off Per Unit
$123.45 0% $123.4500
$234.56 5% $117.2775
$555.53 10% $111.1050
$1,049.33 15% $104.9325
$1,975.20 20% $98.7600

Coleman Air

1) FW160 160A 150V Full Wave Bridge Rectifier Schottky Diodes Hoffman Nema 3R

160 Amp, 150V Full Wave Bridge Rectifier.

Uses 16 low loss Schottky diodes (20A/150V each) which drastically improves efficiency over standard blocking diodes.

Converts single phase AC to DC

Nema 3R enclosure (Hoffman), with custom heatsink mounted on top.

EMP resistant if properly grounded.

Made in the USA.


The rectifier is capable of running at 80 amps DC continuous and 160 amps DC surge at voltages of up to 150VDC.

The rectifier itself uses multiple Schottky diodes rated at 20 amps each. Theoretically, it could handle even more than 160 amps but cooling must be taken into account and is actually the limiting factor.

The rectifier converts the singe phase (2 poles) of A/C (alternating current), to D/C (direct current), that can then be used to charge batteries or run D/C appliances or many other uses.

Please note, this unit will be destroyed if hooked up to a 220/240V A/C circuit.

Hoffman box: 6W x 8H x 4D -- Heatsink adds 4 inches to height.






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